Shingo?s Know Why Hands-On Lean
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"The essential element here is to be sure to identify every move the part makes from receipt to finish. How you represent it on the flow chart is not important, as long as each step is clearly identified and denoted whether it is value adding or not. It
The Masco Mapmakers
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"They learned that having the top people work hands-on in a kaizen was a lot more effective than sitting them down in a big room and subjecting them to a Power Point description of lean."
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" The problem with MRP began the day Shigeo Shingo knocked the props out from under it. While MRP, run properly, enables the plant to circumnavigate all of Ohno's rocks, lean manufacturing - the Toyota Production System - exposes the rocks and compels man
Web sites
Evolving Excellence
Excellent and opinionated blog focused on lean manufacturing by Kevin Meyer and Bill Waddell.
Manufacturing Leadership Center
Bill Waddell shares his knowledge, opinions, experience and ideas to point out the failures of companies, organizations, and individuals in the manufacturing industry while also lauding those that understand true excellence.