Tag: economy
Management Articles
Knowledge workers are the new capitalists
Peter Drucker
"knowledge workers are highly mobile within their specialism. They think nothing of moving from one university, one company or one country to another, as long as they stay within the same field of knowledge. There is a lot of talk about trying to restore knowledge workers' loyalty to their employing organisation, but such efforts will get nowhere. Knowledge workers may have an attachment to an organisation and feel comfortable with it, but their primary allegiance is likely to be to their specialised branch of knowledge."
Improve the Affordable Care Act, Don’t Repeal It
John Toussaint
"when patients do need care, the processes of care delivery must be redesigned to radically improve the patient experience and reduce errors; 250,000 people dying every year from medical error is unacceptable. Finally, individual hospital and provider outcomes must be made public to the consumer so patient choice can play a role in reform.
Parts of the ACA are clearly on the right track to address health care reform. Other parts need to be significantly improved. The focus should be on improving the affordability of health care for every American. This should be the number one priority of the new government."
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