Tag: blog
Management Web Sites and Resources
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Lean Journey
"My Lean Journey started about 10 years ago with a career change from R&D to manufacturing. I started this Blog to share lessons along the way and chronicle 'My Lean Journey in the Quest for True North'. With so much emphasis on continuous improvement we often miss the true teaching of TPS (Thinking People System). Lean is a 'Learning' process so sharing your lessons and opinions are welcome."
PQ Systems
Software and services provider related to SPC tools. The site includes a blog.
Personal Kanban
"Despite our best intentions, life has a way of becoming complicated. People, tasks, responsibilities, deadlines, and even recreation all compete for our attention. The human brain however, simply does not respond well to the stress of juggling multiple priorities... here are only two real rules with Personal Kanban: 1. Visualize your work 2. Limit your work-in-progress"
Lean Simulations
"The focus of this site is Lean training material, ready-to-use and free. I am searching the web for lean simulations, lean games, presentations, and real world examples. Please feel free to email me your material and I will link to it or post it."
Agile Six Sigma
"I'm going to use this blog to share and capture ideas on quality - with a primary focus on application of Lean Six Sigma in a Technology setting."
Agile Manufacturing
Blog by George Bohan, keeping you informed on lean and agile manufacturing.
Managers Are Heroes
"In our world, the Manager is the Hero. Bringing justice to the world: Decreasing Conflict, Increasing Productivity – and Enhancing the Lives of all that cross their path... This blog is written by Mike Brown – who like all of you – is a manager, fighting the good fight."
Performance Improvement
Blog by Glenn Whitfield focused on business management, lean, strategy, and related topics.
Sabu Sense
Lew Rhodes
Web site of Lew Rhodes with numerous articles in addition to blog posts. Lew has a long history in education so much of the material focuses in that area.
Awfully Simple
Blog by Gede Manggala in Indonesia. "I am a fan of simplicity and love to play with data to find simple solution for my life through better understanding of data and human behavior (who, generally, are not always rational)."