Gemba Walks:
Jim Womack
This book complies Womack's essays on the practice of lean and adds some additional context to the essays.
Management Articles
Respect for People
Jim Womack
"the manager isn’t a morale booster, always saying, 'Great job!' Instead the manager challenges the employees every step of the way, asking for more thought, more facts, and more discussion, when the employees just want to implement their favored solution.
Over time I've come to realize that this problem solving process is actually the highest form of respect."
Management Web Sites and Resources
Lean Enterprise Institute
Jim Womack
"We carefully develop hypotheses about lean thinking and experiment to see which approaches work best in the real world. We then write up and teach what we discover, providing new methods for organizational transformation. We strive to answer the simple question of every manager, "What can I do on Monday morning to make a difference in my organization?" And, by creating a strong Lean Community through our website and public events we try to give managers the courage to become lean change agents."