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Toyota Talent

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Toyota Talent by Jeffrey Liker, David Meier

Toyota Talent walks you through the rigorous methodology used by this global powerhouse to grow high-performing individuals from within. Beginning with a review of Toyota's landmark approach to developing people, the authors illustrate the critical importance of creating a learning and teaching culture in your organization. They provide specific examples necessary to train employees in all areas-from the shop floor to engineering to staff members in service organizations-and show you how to support and encourage every individual to reach his or her top potential.

Toyota Talent provides you with the inside knowledge you need to

* Identify your development needs and create a training plan
* Understand the various types of work and how to break complicated jobs into teachable skills
* Set behavioral expectations by properly preparing your workplace
* Recognize and develop potential trainers within your workforce
* Effectively educate non-manufacturing employees and members of the staff
* Develop internal Lean Manufacturing experts

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