Tag: blog
Management Web Sites and Resources
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Personal Kanban
"Despite our best intentions, life has a way of becoming complicated. People, tasks, responsibilities, deadlines, and even recreation all compete for our attention. The human brain however, simply does not respond well to the stress of juggling multiple priorities... here are only two real rules with Personal Kanban: 1. Visualize your work 2. Limit your work-in-progress"
PQ Systems
Software and services provider related to SPC tools. The site includes a blog.
Blog by the Office of Quality Management at National University of Singapore.
Quantum Shifting
Vision: People all over the world enjoy meaningful and satisfying work by thinking bigger about themselves, their work and the world.
Sabu Sense
Lew Rhodes
Web site of Lew Rhodes with numerous articles in addition to blog posts. Lew has a long history in education so much of the material focuses in that area.
Peter Abilla
"This blog is my take on technology, business, operations, The Toyota Production System / Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Queueing Theory, operations research, building software, the customer experience (especially ethnography and design thinking and word-of-mouth marketing)"
Signal vs. Noise
Blog on design, business, experience, simplicity, the web, culture and software development.
Squawk Point
"The Squawk Point is dedicated to service improvement. It is full of ideas, news and practical advice for people who run service operations and want to improve their performance."
Steven Spear
Steven Spear
Five-time winner of the Shingo Prize for research excellence and a senior lecturer at MIT and former assistant professor at Harvard. A senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, he is the author of numerous articles appearing in academic and trade publications, including the Harvard Business Review, Annals of Internal Medicine, Academic Medicine, The Boston Globe, and The New York Times.