Tag: Consultant
Management Books
An Accidental Statistician: The Life and Memories of George E. P. Box
George E. P. Box
From early childhood to a celebrated career in academia and industry, acclaimed statistician George E.P. Box offers personal insights and a first-hand account of his professional accomplishments in this insightful memoir. It features thoughts from more than a dozen researchers and practitioners on how Box shaped their careers; previously unpublished photos from Box’s personal collection; and Forewords written by two of Box’s closest colleagues and confidants. An Accidental Statistician is a charming, intimate account of a great intellect’s life that will appeal to math and engineering professionals.
Management Web Sites and Resources
Lean Enterprise Institute
Jim Womack
"We carefully develop hypotheses about lean thinking and experiment to see which approaches work best in the real world. We then write up and teach what we discover, providing new methods for organizational transformation. We strive to answer the simple question of every manager, "What can I do on Monday morning to make a difference in my organization?" And, by creating a strong Lean Community through our website and public events we try to give managers the courage to become lean change agents."
Quantum Shifting
Vision: People all over the world enjoy meaningful and satisfying work by thinking bigger about themselves, their work and the world.
Gotta Go Lean
Jeff Hajek
"The Gotta Go Lean Blog focuses on Lean at the front line. We help managers and employees work together to make Lean more productive for the company, and jobs more satisfying for workers."
Langford for Learning
David P. Langford
Quality learning achieved through continual improvement of systems which aim to produce the optimum state of personal, social, physical, and intellectual development within each individual. It is a commitment to excellence by each individual and is achieved through teamwork and a process of continual improvement and/or redesign.
The site includes worthwhile articles.
Jamie Flinchbaugh
Jamie Flinchbaugh
Blog on lean culture, transformational leadership, and entrepreneurial excellence. Jamie is a consultant and co-author of The Hitchhiker.s Guide to Lean: Lessons from the Road.
PQ Systems
Software and services provider related to SPC tools. The site includes a blog.
Lean Blitz
Looks at lean ideas related specifically to sports organizations and sports small businesses
Manufacturing Leadership Center
Bill Waddell
Bill Waddell shares his knowledge, opinions, experience and ideas to point out the failures of companies, organizations, and individuals in the manufacturing industry while also lauding those that understand true excellence.
Peter Abilla
"This blog is my take on technology, business, operations, The Toyota Production System / Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, Queueing Theory, operations research, building software, the customer experience (especially ethnography and design thinking and word-of-mouth marketing)"